Democracy cannot be used to derive private benefit at public cost

The ensuing December 5 bypolls to 15 Assembly constituencies in Karnataka are the result of defections from the then ruling coalition. The government fell, the Supreme Court was approached, and now we have 165 candidates contesting these elections. The court upheld their disqualification (of the rebels), but said they were eligible to contest again. Engineering […]

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नख-दंत मजबूत करें चुनाव आयोग

पांच विधानसभाओं के चुनाव अंतिम दौर में हैं। आखिर, चुनाव आयोग ने अब जाकर धर्म-जाति के आधार पर भड़काऊ बयान देकर वोट मांगने वालों को चेतावनी है। क्या चुनाव आयोग का कर्तव्य चेतावनी के बाद समाप्त हो जाता है? या फिर, इसके अलावा वह और भी कुछ कर सकता है? पांच राज्यों में विधानसभा चुनावों […]

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Towards The De-Criminalization Of Politics

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September 12, 2013, Talk at IIC, New Delhi Speaker: Trilochan Sastry, Professor IIM Bangalore, and Chairman, Association for Democratic Reforms Chair: Ramachandra Guha Discussant: N. Gopalaswami, Former Chief Election Commissioner of India Democracy disciplined and enlightened is the finest thing in the world. A democracy prejudiced, ignorant, superstitious, will land itself in chaos. – M.K. […]

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