Political parties in India pursue power without adequate transparency and accountability Recent events yet again highlight the need for electoral reforms. The campaign for the Delhi Assembly elections was filled with hate speeches. In Madhya Pradesh, the ruling Congress is battling defections.Last year, in November, in Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis took oath as Chief Minister early […]
Continuing Trend of Crime and Money in Electoral Politics
“The voter [in India] is subject to the law of the two ‘Ms’, money and muscle.” – Christophe Jaffrelot (2002) I sometimes wonder whether we can ever hope to realise the aspirations of our freedom fighters, who sacrificed so much to gain independence from colonial rule. Sadly, foreign domination has been replaced in some measure […]
Lok Manch – Corruption in Politics
देश के किसी भी सिस्टम में कमियां ख़त्म नहीं होंगी जब तक पोलिटिकल सिस्टम में कमियां ख़त्म नहीं होंगी, कानून को लागु करने के लिए संस्थाएं हैं, उन संस्थाओं के ऊपर भी पोलिटिकल कण्ट्रोल हैं, डायरेक्ट या इनडायरेक्ट यह एक अलग बात है लेकिन कानून व्यवस्था और क्रिमिनल जस्टिस सिस्टम काम नहीं कर सकता जब […]
Decriminalizing Politics: Over To Political Parties Now To Weed Out The Chaff

Even while delivering his first speech in the Rajya Sabha on June 11, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought the support of lawmakers, urging the supreme court to complete the trials of pending criminal cases against MPs within a year. “When parties see seats being rendered empty, they will get the message… In five years, parliament […]