An Appeal to the Voters of Bihar

Please download the video and share to spread awareness. [easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download” width=”100″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″] Please download the video and share to spread awareness. [easy_media_download url=”″ text=”Download” width=”100″ color=”blue” force_dl=”1″] An Appeal to the Voters of Bihar

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Debate on ADR’s PIL to bring Political Parties under RTI

राष्ट्रीय राजनीतिक दलों को RTI के दायरे में लाने के मामले में सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने केंद्र सरकार, चुनाव आयोग और 6 राष्ट्रीय राजनीतिक दलों को नोटिस देकर 6 हफ्तों में जवाब मांगा है। इन पार्टियों में बीजेपी, कांग्रेस, एनसीपी, बीसपी, सीपीआई और सीपीएम शामिल हैं। एडीआर ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट में याचिका दाखिल की थी। वकील […]

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Interview: How To Do Away With Corporate Funding

A crucial point that came up during the investigations into the corporate espionage scam was that several corporates had made huge political donations to political parties so that they could lobby. It has been found during the investigations that corporates had lobbied with politicians to ensure posting of their favoured bureaucrats in some ministries so […]

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