Only 15 regional parties received donations through electoral bonds, the highest amount being BJD’s Rs264 crore. For the Opposition parties, electoral bonds pose the fear of omission (being starved of funds) and the fear of commission — being traced and harassed by the ED and CBI. How would you like to play a game in […]
There’s Not Much to Celebrate in EC Saying Candidates Have to Declare Criminal Records
All that the announcement does is to follow exactly what several judgments of the Supreme Court have ordered. The announcement of the schedule for elections for five state assemblies was a much anticipated event. What attracted attention of some observers was the inclusion of requirements for disclosure of criminal antecedents by candidate and political parties […]
Why Has the EC Brought Back the Dangerous Proposal to Link Voter IDs With Aadhaar?
Despite the ECI’s enquiries and reassurances, there is a fairly widespread impression that the attempted linking of electoral roll data with Aadhaar may have resulted in the disenfranchisement of legitimate voters. After a gap of six years, the dubious linkage between voters IDs with Aadhaar numbers is back in the news. It was reported on […]
बहुत जरूरी हैं चुनाव सुधार
हाल ही में हैदराबाद की एक विशेष अदालत ने तेलंगाना राष्ट्र समिति की सांसद कविता मलोथ को छह महीने कारावास की सजा सुनायी है. कविता ने 2019 लोकसभा चुनाव में अपने पक्ष में मतदान के लिए लोगों को पैसे बांटे थे. चुनाव के दौरान मतदाताओं को पैसे बांटने के लिए किसी पदस्थ सांसद को अपराधी […]
EC needs to do course correction
PROF JAGDEEP S CHHOKAR is one of the founding members of the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) — one of the leading voluntary organisations dedicated to strengthening democracy and improving governance in the country. He has worked for electoral reforms through the judicial system by filing Public Interest Litigations in the higher judiciary to get […]
करप्शन का बैरोमीटर:भ्रष्टाचार में हम एशिया में नंबर वन! कैसे मिलेगी इस बीमारी से मुक्ति?
ट्रांसपेरेंसी इंटरनेशनल की ताजा रिपोर्ट “ग्लोबल करप्शन बैरोमीटर फॉर एशिया’ के अनुसार भ्रष्टाचार के मामले में भारत अब एशिया में शीर्ष पर है। इस रिपोर्ट के अनुसार करीब 50 फीसदी लोगों को अपना काम निकलवाने के लिए रिश्वत देनी पड़ी। इनमें से 63 फीसदी ने इस डर से काई शिकायत भी नहीं की कि इससे […]
Ballot choices crying for clean sweep of criminal taint
The apex court has asked parties and candidates to widely publicise criminal histories in local and national newspapers, as well as on social media, including Twitter and Facebook. The published material must list details of the offence, charges framed, etc. The party has to explain why the candidate was chosen despite the criminal taint. Merely […]
The charade of limits on election expenditure by candidates
The Election Commission recently mooted connecting electoral expense limits to population and inflation; but will that create a level playing field between rich and poor candidates? “Indian politicians start their legislative careers with a lie — the false spending returns they submit? – Atal Bihari Vajpayee” Achchhe din (Good days) are here for at least one category of persons in India: […]
Single Electoral Rolls, Anyone?
The issue has been discussed for a few decades; some commissions have recommended it; a few states have already done it. The Indian electoral rolls are once again in the news. The government wants to prepare a single roll for national, state and local elections to municipalities and panchayats. Currently, many states have separate […]
राजनीतिक दल खुद ही करें आय – संपत्ति का खुलासा
पिछले 15 वर्षों से राजनीतिक दलों की भरसक कोशिश रही है कि मतदाताओं को चुनावी फंडिंग के बारे में पता न चले लोकतंत्र में राजनीति और चुनावों में पैसे की भूमिका बढ़ती जा रही है। कई रिपोर्टों में सामने आया कि 2019 के चुनावों में अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति चुनाव से ज्यादा पैसा खर्च हुआ। इससे लोकतंत्र, […]