The status of NOTA

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The phrase ‘criminalisation of politics’ entered the Indian lexicon in 1993 when it was used by the Vohra Committee which had been set up “to take stock of all available information about the activities of crime syndicates/mafia organisations which had developed links with and were being protected by government functionaries and political personalities”. This high-powered […]

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Social Media and Changing Nature of Election Expenditure

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Today’s innovation becomes the norm for tomorrow. This can be rightly said about the social media’s role in election campaigning in India.  During the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, political parties were exploring this medium for their campaign to influence ‘online’ voters through the virtual mass media.  However, by the time for Lok Sabha 2019 election […]

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Govt policy on funding political parties bad news for democracy

The government decided to issue electoral bonds as a money bill. This was unconstitutional because electoral bonds are not covered by the definition of ‘money bill’ in the Constitution. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the sole authority to issue currency under Section 31 of the RBI Act, was approached four days before the announcement […]

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How candidates and political parties are using social media for electoral campaigning?

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The idea of social media as a force-multiplier in politics has gained virality in our minds, especially in last four years. According to Datareportal’s Digital 2019: India report, 1 out of total population of 1.361 billion, around 41% i.e. 560 million Indians are active users of internet and total no. of active social media users […]

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Crime and Money in Electoral Politics: How can this trend be reversed?

Systemic corruption and sponsored criminalization have corroded the fundamental core of elective democracy and consequently, the constitutional governance. On one hand there is a free flow of unaccounted money at the disposal of political parties during elections and on the other hand, criminal elements have been playing a major role in the electoral process in […]

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Lok Manch – Corruption in Politics

देश के किसी भी सिस्टम में कमियां ख़त्म नहीं होंगी जब तक पोलिटिकल सिस्टम में कमियां ख़त्म नहीं होंगी, कानून को लागु करने के लिए संस्थाएं हैं, उन संस्थाओं के ऊपर भी पोलिटिकल कण्ट्रोल हैं, डायरेक्ट या इनडायरेक्ट यह एक अलग बात है लेकिन कानून व्यवस्था और क्रिमिनल जस्टिस सिस्टम काम नहीं कर सकता जब […]

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